Note Taking Program
Frequently Asked Questions
Accessibility Services continuously recruits for volunteer note takers to assist students with a disability.
Who needs a peer volunteer note taker?
Students who require the services of a note taker may have difficulties taking notes due to a physical disability, blind or low vision, deaf or hard-of-hearing, a chronic health condition, acquired brain injury, or a learning disability. Your notes will therefore only be provided to students who have a documented disability and who have been approved for note taking accommodations.
How do you volunteer to be a note taker?
We recruit for potential note takers in class, postings on our website, and at events at specific times of the year (ex. Get Experience Fair). We ask that you complete your Note Taker Profile online at and submit your sample notes.
How do I submit my sample notes?
If your notes are typed, you can upload them directly from your computer. If your notes are handwritten, you can scan your notes in order to upload them electronically. If you do not have access to a scanner, you can use the scanner/photocopier at Accessibility Services (room DV2240).
I type my notes, can I still be a note taker?
YES, you can upload them directly from your computer.
Why is AIMS giving me an error when uploading my notes?
AIMS has a file size maximum of 40MB. Please ensure your file sizes are kept to a manageable size by saving each lecture date as a separate file.
What are the benefits of volunteering?
Upon completion of the course, you will receive a certificate in recognition of your volunteer services.
Can I volunteer to be a note taker even though I have not heard or seen an announcement?
YES, it is very helpful if you apply to be a note taker even though we are not currently recruiting for a note taker. Students with disabilities register with our office throughout the year and so we may potentially need you to be a note taker mid way through a term.
How can I find out more about the note taking program?
You can contact, call 905-828-5422 or drop by our office in room DV2240.