Accessibility Services
Welcome to our Online Resources.
Please choose a link on the top menu and carefully follow the prompts.
- Your UTORid and password to Login
- UTM Course Code/# and Test Type (test/final exam/quiz). Note that courses taking place at St. George or UTSC will not be accepted.
- Your Instructor/Professor's Name and email address
- The time and date your class will be starting the test/exam
- The length of time your class will be given to write the test/exam
- Location where your class will be writing (Building and Room)
- Testing accommodations as reflected on your Confidential Academic Accommodation Plan that you need for this test/exam
- Please ensure you schedule your test with Accessibility Services at the start of the term or at least 14 days before each scheduled test date. If your instructor has scheduled a test in less than 14 days (e.g. make up test), please contact us immediately at
- Ensure you select either "schedule a TEST, MID-TERM or QUIZ" link or "schedule a FINAL EXAM" from the menu appropriately. If you select a test or mid-term request for a final exam, you may not be scheduled accurately. Note the deadline to submit Final Exam requests this fall session is Friday, November 15, 2024 and this winter session is Friday, March 21, 2025. After this date, you will not be able to access the "schedule a Final Exam" option.
- To view/edit your scheduled upcoming test/exam/quiz or advising appointment or cancel an upcoming test/exam/quiz, click on the "My upcoming events" link on the menu to the left. Please remember to log out when you are done.
If you need to submit a Test or Final Exam request past the deadlines stated, you may download the Test and Exam Late Add Form from our website, Complete the form and submit to the Accessibility Office as soon as possible.
If you have any questions please contact the office’s Examination Assistant at 905-828-3847 or